Confederation of Chinese Metalforming Industry (CCMI) founded in July 1986,is a unique national metal forming industry organization in China. Its membership consists of forging and sheet metal forming enterprises, research and project planning institutes, universities, equipment manufacturers, material suppliers and other enterprises or organizations related to the metal forming field.
CCMI is an organization concerning the forging and sheet metal forming industry, there are the branches as:
China Forging Industry Association (CFIA)
China Sheet-metal Forming Group (CSFG)
China Cold Forming Group (CCFG)
China Container Head Group (CCHG)
Aeronautical Materials Forming Group (AMFG)
China Metal Fabrication Group (CMFG)
In order to promote the development and research work in metal forming industry, we established a financial foundation to support the developing, research and application of technologies.
The Secretariat of CCMI has the following Department:
Exhibition Department
Conference Department
Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Training & Expert Service Center
Form Press,INC.
China Forge and Metalform Net
Administrative Department
Affairs Department
Finacial DepartmentThe Divisions concerning special topics are as:
Industrial Furnace Division
Tooling & Die Division
Automotive Forging Division
Railway and Locomotive Forging Division
Fine Blanking Division
Engine Con-Rod
Objective and Functions
CCMI's membership consists of forging and sheet metal forming enterprises, research and project planning institutes, universities, equipment manufacturers, material suppliers and other enterprises or organizations related to the forging and sheet metal forming field. We also have some international members from metal forming and the related industry.
The aim and functions of CCMI is to promote the progress and prosperity and to serve the common interest of the forging and sheet metal forming industry.
Service to Government
1. submit to the Government for approval economic and technical policy recommendations which may stimulate prosperity of the forging and sheet metal forming industry
2. Accomplish the tasks entrusted by the Government
3. Assist forging and sheet metal forming plants to implement national standards, regulations and to compile trade standards and regulations
4. Study of the industry
Information Service
1. Provide information on Government policies, economics, technology, equipment, supplies, casting andtrade
2. Publish Forging & Metal forming
3. Supply the advertising for membership with internet
4. Set up industry statistics and forging and sheet metal forming data bank
Engineering service and consultation
1. Offer engineering service and consultancy work uponrequest
2. Education and training
3. Introduce the technologies and equipment to membership
4. Market and technology survey and study, and evaluation of products and technology for memberships
International relations and cooperation
1. hold international conference
2. host benchmarking tours and technical exchange
3. participate in the exhibitions in overseas and organizing benchmarking
4. promote international trade and cooperation
5. organize Forge Fair China and Metalform China international exhibition

started publication in 1988, are edited and published by Confederation of Chinese ... more details

Fabricating born in 2008, is edited and published by Confederation of Chinese ... more details