At the moment, about 450 forging operations can be considered as key forging producers, which account for around 90% of total forging production in China. Over 35 joint ventures and foreign proprietary corporations were founded in China. Total of forging production is about 5.43 Million Ton (in 2008); in which there is 3.48 Million Ton closed-die forging including 3.12 Million Ton automotive forgings.
The energy saving is very important for forging industry. Chinese forging industry should keep investing on energy saving project. In order to meet the Chinese economy developing requirement, the forging industry should strength the cooperation with the related research institute and university, and takes mort technology exchange and product developing to improve the forging quality and produce the valuable forgings.

started publication in 1988, are edited and published by Confederation of Chinese ... more details

Fabricating born in 2008, is edited and published by Confederation of Chinese ... more details